House Building / Public Toilet Flat



A few years ago I came across online this flat that was renovated from a hundred-year old underground public toilet. I was immediately amazed by how lovely and adorable the result came out. It’s such an unique space. Last year I moved to our current residence, and I often walked past this abandoned public toilet nearby. There are numerous abandoned public toilets in London, and therefore it didn’t raise my attention at all. One day, I suddenly remembered this flat, so I looked down at the stairs. Oh my goodness, a cute door and plant boxes! It is the flat that impressed my so much!

Yes, I have to build my version on the Sims!

Crystal Palace Toilets Conversion to Flat

跟著 Lillah 去看看她的家吧!Let’s follow Lillah to have a look at her home!

平面圖。Floor map.

夜晚的地面入口。Entrance at night.

從客廳往公寓後方看。View from living room to the back of the flat.

樸實而自在的空間。Humble & cozy space.

大門、廚房和浴室。Entrance, kitchen & bathroom.

好像沒什麼好呈現的,但其實我花了很多時間把廚房小物放上架子!There aren’t that many photos of kitchen, but I actually spent a lot of time arranging those clutters on the shelves!

浴室小小的,雖然不是我平常會設計的配色,但是我很喜歡!Tiny bathroom. It’s not the colours that I would usually choose, but I like it very much!

往公寓前方看過去。View towards the front of the flat.

小小的衣帽間!A little walk-in wardrobe!

超愛天窗灑下來的陽光!I absolutely adore the sunlight through the window!

後方還有小花園!A compact backyard garden!



That’s it. How do you find it? This is my first time trying to build a basement. It took me a while to figure out how to create “skylight” effect. I ended up using “shake and shimmy dance floor” on the ground and removing some part of the ceiling of the basement. It’s totally not perfect, but oh well!



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